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$10 - $50 value range.
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Designdistrict Gift Card

Designdistrct Gift Card values range from $10 - $50 and will not expire however, we recommend using your Gift Card within one year after purchase as products, prices, and availability may change. You can only redeem the value of your Gift Card by purchasing products online at Gift Cards expire 1 year after purchase. After 1 year, a dormant fee of $10 per month will apply and after one year, free shipping will not apply. We do not offer cash value for Gift Cards. We do not exclude additional shipping costs or taxes from the amount of Gift Card purchases. If you need to return, exchange or cancel your order, you cannot use the value of your Gift Card for the cost of those transactions. Call our Customer Service Team at (866) 289-6998 if you have questions or need assistance with any Gift Card use or Gift Card purchase.